Ever heard the term “your chakras must be out of alignment?” Chakras are spinning wheels of energy that help us to be in resonance with the Universe.
At Meta Frequency, we use a Healy Frequency Device to perform chakra analysis. The Healy uses a quantum sensor to determine your unique frequency and then administer tailored frequencies to you to realign to your cellular DNA level. It re-calibrates your energy and realigns the chakras or other issues your body might experience.
When the body, mind, and spirit are in harmony and feeling vital and energetic, you are resonating in a healthy vibration. That's what creates a holistic lifestyle.
The Healy's Chakra analysis assists in choosing crystals that are tailored to your energetic needs. The Healy contains 10 million frequencies that can benefit clients with different physical, spiritual, or emotional issues. Here at Meta Frequency, we are able to check your vibrations and determine what needs to be rebalanced. The Healy can recalibrate your vibration back into energetic alignment.
The Healy is a small but very versatile device (controlled by your Apple or Andriod smartphone) that uses Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field for many important areas of life.
Holistic Health is the sense of unity and coherence of body, mind, and soul, experiencing an all inclusive wellbeing and vitality. It allows you to participate in life to your full capacity.
When to use
Life requires you to be healthy, active, and balanced! If you are feeling your energy is out of alignment, then you will benefit from a Healy Frequency session.
How it helps
The Healy works to a cellular DNA level, reenergizing your energy throughout your body. At Meta Frequency, this device creates bio energetic balance.
What it promotes
Everything from our tissues, cells, organs, emotions, and thought patterns have its’ own unique electro-magnetic fields. So do allergens, viruses, and even bacteria. Understand how it all works together with the Healy Frequency Device.
We offer only the highest quality in customized frequency and Healy sessions. We also offer chakra analysis in order to achieve maximum healing for your body, mind, & spirit.
The greatest program ever.
Your are ready for Wealth & Abundance? The program allows for positive thinking, mindset transformation, wealth, abundance, success, health, money and relationships. This program helps to reprogram your subconscious mind.
In a way, we can actually do what by convincing our subconscious mind will do everything in its power to make things happen. Affirmations are one of the ways we can press the "subconscious mind button" to kickstart our conscious mind so that it will change our life. The program is another aid to affect the Subconscious mind. An important aspect of change is to rid the subconscious mind of any negativity, fears, insecurities, doubts, and anything else that is holding back. This program is designed to help identify energetic congestion and therefore will disclose what needs to be worked on or released, which benefits you to attain your idea of Wealth & Abundance.
The Solfeggio program runs 9 of the Slfeggio frequencies.
The Positive Thoughts Program is running 714 Hz and this is what it's doing The frequency 714 Hz cuts through the darkness around you whether created by your own mind or created by the minds of those around you. It channels the power of the Cosmic sword, like the Sword of Archangel Michael, the energy which slices through negativity and darkness, leaving only light in its path. Removing all demons from our minds and body. "Jai Te Gang
A natural anesthetic
Removes pain physically, energetically, and karmically.
174 Hz frequency gifts your organ with a sense of security, safety, peace, and love, inspiring them to function optimally.
Helps treat wounds, cuts, burns, or damaged tissue.
Has the ability to help your cells to their original form. It sends your energy fields a message to restructure damaged organs and tissue. 285 Hz helps your internal organs and energy fields remember their optional functioning.
Clears your conscious
Clearing guilt removes obstacles to self-realization, which in turn, enables you to achieve your goals easier. It clears and releases guilt and fear by dissolving what created it in the first place. 396 helps to ground, and awaken you, returning you to the truth of what's for your highest and best good.
Clears trauma and destructive influences of past events. Helps you resonate with Oneness (God or the Divine).
Clears the feeling of alienation and returns you to a state of peaceful oneness. Clears old ruminating thought forms and negative memories from your past so you can achieve your life dreams easier. Encourage the cells and it's DNA to function optimally. 417 Hz re-energizes your body and helps you use your full creative potential.
Returns your DNA to Its Original, Perfect state, repairing DNA.
When used with intention, miracles will happen. It increases the amount of life prana, life force energy, clarity of mind, higher awareness, spiritual awakening, and enhanced creativity. It also enhances deeper peace, joy, dance, and celebration. 528 Hz will open you for enlightened spiritual experiences and returning to spiritual order your true self, helping you live more authentically.
Enhances harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships.
Heal's relationship problems, whether that be family, partners, friends, co-workers, or acquaintances. It encourages your cells to communicate with their environment. This ancient solfeggio frequency enhances communication, compassion, understanding, tolerance, and unconditional love. 639 Hz also enhances communication with parallel worlds, blessed higher realms of light.
Detoxifies the cells.
Helps you live a healthier more simplified life. It also assists you in changing your diet to foods that enliven and heal your body that will not overload your body with toxins. It clears and heals the cells from different kinds of electromagnetic radiation. An almost miraculous effect of 741 Hz is that it clears and heals infections - viral, bacterial, and fungal. Leading you towards a pure, stable, connected fulfilling life.
Enhance your third eye chakra and awakens you to self-realization and empowerment.
It dissolves stagnate mental energy and indecision from overthinking. It clears blockages that have hindered your communication with your higher self, spirit guides, and angels. The 852 Hz clears distortion energy that causes confusion and heals your third eye so that your psychic awareness gifts can fully open.
Connects and awakens you to your original, perfect state.
It enhances your Divine light connection and enables you to have direct spiritual experiences with your higher self, the angels, and the Oneness. This frequency re-connects you with your guides and spiritual teachers. It enables you to experience your true Divine nature. The 963 Hz connects you to higher spiritual teachers and to your higher self.
Your cat’s purring is in a special frequency, which has many health benefits for the purring cat and humans. The soothing vibrations carry helpful therapeutic effects for both our physical and mental health.
All cat species have purr frequencies between 20 Hertz and 150 Hertz with the exception of the cheetah.” The cheetah purrs at 25, 50, 100, 125, and 150 Hertz. This corresponds exactly with 6 of the best healing frequencies which are included in this program.
A Minnesota study and extensive decade-long research revealed that people, who don’t own cats, are 40% more likely to die from heart complications and illnesses. It’s crazy how much the cat’s purring sounds can increase your life span.
Studies from the United Kingdom proved that it’s more enjoyable and relaxing to sleep with a feline partner than a human one. The participants slept better because of their pets purring close to them. The purring is a relaxing sound to listen to, and the more relaxed you are, the easier you will fall into a deep, rejuvenating sleep. It’s much like any other white noise sounds that people like to listen to at night, such as rain, ASMR, and so on.2. Better, more peaceful sleep.
Purring can also help with making breathing easier whenever you have difficulties or shortness of breath. You may feel like you’re not getting enough air in your lungs, but the purring vibrations mimic the rhythm of inhaling and exhaling. That makes it easier for your lungs to follow the pace and stabilize the calming waves of breathing in and out. Of course, it won’t work if you have a cat allergy.
Many things in our daily lives can cause our blood pressure to get higher than it should be. Directly bad influences on blood pressure are unhealthy habits like drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or even being around smokers for long enough. In addition, stress also causes blood pressure to go up. Any kind of activity that causes us to develop anxiety can lure us into turning to wrong and harmful ways of coping with it. A great way to cope with it is to just go back home to your furry little cat friend and let them do their magic to relax you and ease the stress. The purring will lower your blood pressure and give you a better solution than cigarettes and alcohol.
Gary Weitzman, a veterinarian at San Diego Humane Society, reveals more detailed information about the frequency of cat purring. It ranges between 20Hz and 150Hz, which is the perfect range of vibrations for faster healing in humans. “Bone responds to 25-50Hz and skin and soft tissues to around 100Hz according to researchers.” This includes all kinds of pain from wounds, swelling, infections, joint immobility, broken bones, tendons, and soft tissue. Cats very rarely experience joint or bone problems exactly because of that reason. Their purring helps them be in good condition all the time and heal faster from any injuries. So the idea is that cat purrs can have the same healing benefits as humans. If you agree with that, then keep your medicine close, and your cat closer.
The frequencies most optimal for making bones stronger are 25-50Hz. The second most optimal range is 100-200Hz. It’s no surprise by now that cat purring falls into both of those categories. If you’re wondering how cat purring can affect something as tough as our bones, then think about how you exercise. You put physical pressure on your body for it to become stronger. Bones get sturdier and harder when they are subjected to high-intensity pressure. That’s how vibrational therapy works. Through training, the bones and muscles rebuild and reinforce themselves. That process of strengthening and healing back can be done with low-frequency vibrations, too, instead of high-frequency ones. That’s how the cat purring benefits can be helpful for developing a healthy body and mind. The muscle soreness afterward is also included in the purring benefits package.
Petting a purring cat on your chest is a hypnotizing feeling in the best way possible. Every cat owner knows how relaxing it is to listen to the sounds of your cat being relaxed. Most of the time, we have no idea how much stress and anxiety we actually suppress from our daily lives. It can lead to problems with the immune system as well as vulnerability to diseases, and high blood pressure, as mentioned before. The psychological benefits of purring may be harder to notice or believe, but the physical benefits are facts proven by years of research. If cat purring can help with healing bones and muscles, it should be safe to believe that it can calm your nerves down and reduce your anxiety. Another thing, which affects our mental well-being greatly, is the feeling of loneliness. A bonus benefit of having a cat purring next to you is that it offers psychological support. You have an affectionate companion that enjoys spending time with you, relies on you, pays attention to you, and loves you. Human relationships often bring many negative emotions, but a relationship with your furry pet can provide many positive benefits and peace of mind. Our mental health is in good paws.
Your life is all you can imagine; you only need remember how to accomplish it.
Remember your life from a new perspective and visualize healing effects in all aspects of your life. Whenever you are afraid of something ahead of you on your path, visualize the situation coming to completion with a positive outcome. Take the time to think about the things you truly desire. Complaining manifests things to complain about, blame manifests something to blame others for. Create a new outcome.
This program uses a combination of The Divine Solfeggio's which are tools to get beyond the physical and truly delve into our spiritual natures. For to know the divine you must know yourself to know yourself you must know the divine.
The cycle of karma and control have greatly influenced the events on Earth we are experiencing now. If we can find the insight on how, then it can help us realize what we’re dealing with in day to day life. There can be nothing more impactful than shattering the ties to the karma form the past that no longer serves us.
The Intent of the Karmic Energy Healing program is for:
Allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Diving Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving.
Pyramid Frequency is the powerful, Godly frequency of the pyramids and holds within it the vast wisdom and teachings of ancient prophets and seers. Associated with the tree of life, and the number of vertebrae in the human spine. It is also a holy and sacred and tied to Jesus. This frequency holds the key to unlocking the hidden secrets and wisdom deep within yourself and allows you to break the anchors of earthly limitations. For manifesting your true will and revealing hidden knowledge within yourself. It represents duality of the Holy Trinity.
Angelic Scale: This is the frequency for a cosmic “I Love You.” It assists in cellular rejuvenation, memory retention, and the assimilation of information. This is particularly excellent for mind-training practice or study periods as an aid in focus. Focus on the now, watching everything unfold. This frequency will inspire you to being the practice of Ho’Oponopono.
To connect with the supportive energy of the Starseeds & the energies of the constellation of Orion. Take the journey into the light and transform your connection with your true self. Helps to let go of the struggle between light and dark energies, and balance the two energies as both positive and negative energies are necessary.
We have all accumulated the seven cosmic karmic patterns of violence, victimhood, hatred, addiction, shame, prejudice and arrogance at different points in our life. It is time to release these perceived traumas, false beliefs and judgements of ourselves and others. You are a living vortex of light, you are an Emissary of the Heavens, and it is time to become the light you are.
Helps with the process of Forgiveness. Forgiveness isn’t a selfish act designed to make you feel good about yourself. It’s an act of self loved presented a s a prescription for braking those karmic chains that are wound around you holding you back for many lifetimes.
Assists you into your higher purpose and relish the opportunity to expand consciousness and joy. Reminding you to trust your inner core and nature as you experience life; get out of your body. Helps you to Open yourself up to the power of your thoughts and words. You’re your words are frequency and frequency affects change. The time ahs come to shed the chains of illusion hidden by the go, for you are much greater than you realize.
Finding a way to open your personal truth is key in this process. Never let others push their truth on you. Seeing past the old control methods of your past lives and the present is more important.
This energy can assist you in releasing karmic debts that no longer serve you. This frequency will re-arrange energy and perception, grooming a stable foundation for the acceleration and evolution of your consciousness.
Takes you to a place with deeper connection with the divine, and allows you to unshackle yourself from the frailties you experience in your human form. We all hold within our being a unique expression of love. It’s reflected as the light of our soul, and it’s what we call our Selves. This love is your essential reasons for being. To feel alive, we share this purpose with others around us. Such a reflection is also referred to as a spiritual purpose or a Soul Contract – which is to say that you hope to join and cocreate with the Creator.
Move into the realm of seeking your purpose as a spiritual being having a physical experience. Remember that you have lessons to learn and new things to experience. Helps if you have karma to resolve in a close relationship breaking the repetitive past patterns and behavior that appears to have very little to do with your conscious wishes and actions.
Ho’Oponopono means reconciliation and forgiveness. But not necessarily directed at another person. In our vibrational, connected Universe, any good that you send out it ultimately received back to yourself. If you believe that you create your reality, and that you are responsible for your life, then you have to accept that you create everything you experience.
Ho’Oponopono is like pressing the rest button. It is a spirtutal cleanser: you use it daily just like you’d take a shower and remove your make-up. It clears out negative energy you accumuilate and removes negative feelings about yourself or other people. It brings the practitioner to an emotional state of zero.
The first step is to admit that you may have harmed someone or something, and so show remorse and ask for forgiveness. This can be incredibly difficult and painful to face up to, but it’s an important part of the entire process.
The desire for forgiveness must be sincere and honest. With you asking forgiveness and someone, or something, part of the healing process is to ask for that forgiveness.
Gratitude is an incredibly powerful, positive emotion that involves being truly thankful and appreciative for something. By expressing a heartful “thank you” you are opening yourself to receive forgiveness and love.
Giving love and showing someone else that you have love to give will make a real difference to your life, and those around you. Love has unbelievable healing powers, this emotion transcends physical actions. It brings together our emotional and spiritual sides.
There are many benefits from practicing Ho’Oponopono, and each person will have their own experiences. Some of the benefits are
Ho’Oponopono reminds us that the mind, body, and spirit are connected – and this practice helps us cross these boundaries and find true forgiveness.
YOU have the ability to change everything with Ho’Oponopono.
This is a Negative Entity Cleaner for removing unwanted Entities for your Field. Demons and Negative Entities don’t like the frequencies in this program which raise your vibration and align with your divinity.
Entity or spirit attachment generally affects 6 key forms:
4259 Henderson Boulevard
Tampa, FL 33629
Tues - Fri 10:30am - 7:00pm
Sat: 10:30 am - 5:30 pm
Mon & Sun: Closed